RFARC Meeting & Information
The RFARC will hold its next full meeting on December 14, 2022 from Noon until 13:00 CST on the Hill for Park on the Air operations weather allowing (if inclement weather then in the Strike Eagle Conference Room second floor Building 430).
This meeting is open to all Raytheon Employees, Contractors, and On-site personnel holding an unescorted level security access badge. One does not have to be an FCC Licensed Amateur Radio Operator (Ham) to attend. If you are licensed and attending, please wear your Callsign Badge in addition to your security badge so those wishing to ask “Whats it all about” will know who to speak with.
The December meeting will be POTA operations on the Hill. If you have a portable setup please feel free to bring it out. Planning to do 20 Meter SSB. It would be nice to get 20M FT8 on the air also.
RFARC By-Laws were approved by the membership so we are officially the Raytheon Forest Amateur Radio Club https://www.rfarc.net/by-laws This will allow us to get officially recognized by the Company and have a resource number assigned to RFARC.
According to the now approved By-Laws, Club Meeting are generally not for the use of Club Business with only the few exceptions of nominating officers and voting on items that require a membership vote. If Club Members have business to bring before the Board, Officers, or Club, they need to be brought to the attention of the current Club Secretary or one of the serving Club Officers via email or in writing.
The Club Two Meter Repeater (for the time being) is the Forest KF5SEB 145.240 minus with SqTone 100.0/100.0. Special thanks to Don N5SPL for allowing RFARC to use his repeater as often as Licensed Club Members want or need to. In Don’s words, “That what it is there for, to be used”. Thanks again, Don!
Those wishing to test to become FCC Licensed Amateur Radio Operators or upgrade their current license can attend the second Saturday testing secession in Byrum. VE Test sessions are held on the second Saturday of the month at 1pm, at the Crossroads of Life Church, 6775 South Siwell Road in Byram, MS. Please contact Brian, W5SSJ, at 601-741-0873 for more information. He does prefer a text message. Additional details always available on the CMSARA website.
Raytheon Forest Amateur Radio Club Officers
President Rick Burgett – N5RB
Vice President Keith Hylton – N5KAH
Secretary Sam Bryan – KE5UGI
Treasurer Ben Marshall – KC8SAJ
BMAL* Mike Bisbing – KF5KVF
* Board Member at Large